Brand Identity Design for Beyond Well Co | California, USA


Brand Design

Brand Identity Design | Yoga Instructor | California, USA

The problem

Heather is a yoga, meditation, and wellness instructor. Prior to working with us Beyond Well Co did not have a website or branding. Our role in this process was to establish a strong brand identity that would capture Beyond Well & Co mission of offering natural solutions for people that will help them to live their best life. Beyond Well Co was looking for a natural, clean and calming brand and website design style.

our solution

We’ve created a zen like, soulful and wellness-inspired brand including a logo, colour theme, typography and social media templates. We’ve soured stock photos that represent what the service is about and who is its for, to capture the attention of the health conscious audience that Beyond Well & Co wants to draw in.


brand vibe

Brand Identity Design | Yoga Instructor | California, USA

logo designs

Logo Design | Yoga Instructor | California, USA
Logo Design | Yoga Instructor | California, USA
Logo Design | Yoga Instructor | California, USA

brand identity assets

logo designed by Visuable

Where can we find you online?



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