Visuable Founder, Lidia Drzewiecka became a voice for #WhenWomenLead Campaign by MicroLoanFoundation in celebration of #IWD2022.

Visuable & MicroLoanFoundation 2022

On #IWD2022, Lidia was asked to be a voice for MicroLoanFoundations women’s day campaign #WhenWomenLead.

The #WhenWomenLead campaign celebrates female leaders, entrepreneurship, and powerful women while also raising awareness about women in sub-Saharan Africa who face poverty, to help them start their own businesses. Visuable is a female-led agency that encourages female entrepreneurship; therefore, our Founder, Lidia, was very excited to get involved and support this important cause.

We’re supporting MicroLoanFoundation on International Women’s Day 2022 because we believe that every woman, no matter where they live, should have the chance to own and run their own business.

As a part of being a voice for the campaign, Lidia was asked to give a piece of advice to female business leaders to help them get inspired, instill confidence, and encourage them to create a business that can not only support them and their families but also be a business they can be proud of.

Visuable donated to the MicroLoanFoundation to help entrepreneurial women in sub-Saharan Africa gain access to resources that will enable them to become their own bosses and provide for their families, and we encourage you to donate too!

Lidia Drzewiecka & When Women Lead 2022

MicroLoan works to support women facing extreme poverty in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe to build their own businesses. As these women flourish as entrepreneurs, they will be able to generate a steady income so they can provide food, clothes, and healthcare for their families. They will also be able to send their children to school where they can gain access to further education and support.

Since 2002, MicroLoan has reached over 200,000 of the poorest women in sub-Saharan Africa, giving hope for the future, not simply handouts. By providing small loans, training and support, your gift will help women to change their own futures. With 99% of our loans repaid in full, your donation is used again and again to help more women, so it will keep on giving, well into the future.

Get involved by donating so that women in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe can provide for their families.


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